1. Overview This article is going to cover about using new composed annotations for @RequestMapping, the annotation for mapping web requests onto specific handler classes and/or handler methods in Spring Framework. Those annotations, which include @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping and @PatchMapping,… Continue Reading →
This tutorial is going to cover how to write a custom Zuul filter in Spring Cloud. 1. Zuul Filter Overview Zuul provides a framework to dynamically read, compile, and run a series filters that are capable of performing a range… Continue Reading →
Spring Boot facilitates us in developing an application using Spring Framework. This article is going to cover how to configure logging in Spring Boot from basic to advanced level. 1. Enable logging for a Spring Boot application 1.1. Using Spring… Continue Reading →
As mentioned in previous article, Spring Kafka provides two MessageListenerContainer implementations: KafkaMessageListenerContainer and ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer. The KafkaMessageListenerContainer provides ability to consume messages from Kafka topics in a single thread while the ConcurrentMessageListenerContainer allows us to consume messages in multi-threaded style. In… Continue Reading →
Apache Kafka, a distributed messaging system, is gaining very much attraction today. Spring is a very popular framework for Java developer. Getting Apache Kafka to work with Spring smoothly will be a very good thing for many Java developers. In… Continue Reading →
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