1. Introduction This short tutorial is going to cover how to configure basic authentication on Unirest for Java, a simplified, lightweight HTTP request library built and maintained by Mashape. 2. Configure Basic Authentication on Unirest for Java 2.1. Library dependency… Continue Reading →
Continue the series about Java REST client, I’d like to share how to create Java REST client using Apache CXF Proxy based API. In similar to the JBoss Resteasy Client Framework, there are several ways to implement REST client with… Continue Reading →
Continue the series about Java REST client, I’d like to share how to create Java REST client using Resteasy Client Proxy Framework which is provided by JBoss. As mentioned in my previous post: Java REST Client Using Resteasy Client, Resteasy… Continue Reading →
Continue series about Java REST client, I’d like to share how to create a Java REST client using Resteasy Client API which is a Restful web service provided by JBoss. Generally speaking, there are 2 approaches to create Java REST… Continue Reading →
This tutorial is going to illustrate how to create a Java REST client using Jersey client API which is a standard Java-based API for communication with RESTful Web services. For more detail information, please visit Jersey official website. 1. Preparation… Continue Reading →
This tutorial is going to cover how to create a Java REST client using Apache HttpClient. 1. Preparation Let’s assume that we have a RESTful web service for managing a library with several API as below: 1.1. Get all books… Continue Reading →
There are many ways to create Java REST clients such as using the built-in java.net.URL package, leveraging client API of RESTful frameworks like Jersey, Resteasy, Spring Rest, etc. In this tutorial, we’d like to show how to create a Java REST… Continue Reading →
RESTful web service is very popular today. With supporting from a lot of frameworks such as: Spring Data Rest, Jersey, JBoss Resteasy, developing a RESTful web service is pretty easy for Java developer. Consuming a RESTful service from client side… Continue Reading →
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