In previous posts, I introduced about how to get started with Apache Kafka by installing and using Java client API 0.9 as well. In this post, I’d like to share how to create multi-threaded Apache Kafka consumer.
You can take a look at previous related posts by access below links.
Getting started with Apache Kafka 0.9
Apache Kafka 0.9 Java Client API Example
1. Why do we need multi-thread consumer model?
Suppose we implement a notification module which allow users to subscribe for notifications from other users, other applications..Our module reads messages which will be written by other users, applications to a Kafka clusters. In this case, we can get all notifications of the others written to a Kafka topic and our module will create a consumer to subscribe to that topic.
Everything seems to be fine at the beginning. However, what will happen if the number of notifications produced by other applications, users…is increased fast and exceed the rate that can be processed by our module?
Well, everything is still…not bad. All the messages/notifications that haven’t been processed by our module, are still in the Kafka topic. However, things get more danger when the number of messages is too much. Some of them will be lost when the retention policy is met (Note that Kafka retention policy can be time-based, partition size-based, key-based). And more important, when our notification module falls very far behind the income notifications/messages, it is not a true “notification” module anymore.
It’s time to think about the multi-thread consumer model.
2. Multi-threaded Apache Kafka consumer model
There are 2 possible models I’d like to mention in this post.
- Multiple consumers with their own threads (Model #1)
- Single consumer, multiple worker processing threads (Model #2)
Both of them have their own pros and cons
2.1 Model #1. Multiple consumers with their own threads
Pros | Cons |
Easy to implement | The total of consumers is limited the total partitions of the topic. The redundant consumers may not be used. |
Implementing in-order processing on per-partition is easier. | More TCP connections to the brokers |
2.2 Model #2. Single consumer, multiple worker processing threads
Pros | Cons |
Be flexible in scale out the number of processing thread | It’s not easy to implement in-order processing on per partition. Let’s say there are 2 messages on the same partitions being processed by 2 different threads. To guarantee the order, those 2 threads must be coordinated somehow. |
3. Implementation
Below is the implementation detail of both 2 models.
3.1. Prerequisite
- Apache Kafka 0.9/0.10 broker installed on local machine or remote. You can refer to this link for setting up.
- JDK 7/8 installed on your development PC.
- Eclipse 4 (I am using Eclipse Mars 4.5)
- Maven 3
3.2 Source Code Structure
The example source code is added in the Github. You can use git to pull the repository to your PC or simple download the zip version of the example and extract to your PC.
After having the source code, you can import the source code into Eclipse and run the test.
To import:
- Menu File –> Import –> Maven –> Existing Maven Projects
- Browse to your source code location
- Click Finish button to finish the importing
Here is the project structure in my Eclipse:
The source code includes the implementation for both above models. The package com.howtoprogram.kafka.multipleconsumers contains all source code for the Model #1: Multiple consumers with their own threads and the package com.howtoprogram.kafka.singleconsumer contain all the source code for the Model #2: Single consumer, multiple worker processing threads
3.3 Maven pom.xml
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<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>com.howtoprogram</groupId> <artifactId>kafka-multithreaded-java-example</artifactId> <version>0.0.1-SNAPSHOT</version> <name>Kafka-MultiThread-Java-Example</name> <properties> <>UTF-8</> <maven.compiler.source>1.8</maven.compiler.source> <>1.8</> </properties> <dependencies> <dependency> <groupId>org.apache.kafka</groupId> <artifactId>kafka-clients</artifactId> <version></version> <scope>provided</scope> </dependency> </dependencies> </project> |
3.4. Multiple consumers with their own threads (Model #1)
3.4.1 Class Diagram
The source code for this part includes 4 classes: is a producer thread, produces message to the Kafka brokers is a consumer thread, consumes message from Kafka brokers create a group of NotificationConsumerThread(s) contains the main method, run the program to produce and consume messages.
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package com.howtoprogram.kafka.multipleconsumers; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Callback; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.RecordMetadata; public class NotificationProducerThread implements Runnable { private final KafkaProducer<String, String> producer; private final String topic; public NotificationProducerThread(String brokers, String topic) { Properties prop = createProducerConfig(brokers); this.producer = new KafkaProducer<String, String>(prop); this.topic = topic; } private static Properties createProducerConfig(String brokers) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("bootstrap.servers", brokers); props.put("acks", "all"); props.put("retries", 0); props.put("batch.size", 16384); props.put("", 1); props.put("buffer.memory", 33554432); props.put("key.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"); props.put("value.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"); return props; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Produces 3 messages"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { String msg = "Message " + i; producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String, String>(topic, msg), new Callback() { public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception e) { if (e != null) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Sent:" + msg + ", Partition: " + metadata.partition() + ", Offset: " + metadata.offset()); } }); } // closes producer producer.close(); } } |
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package com.howtoprogram.kafka.multipleconsumers; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer; public class NotificationConsumerThread implements Runnable { private final KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer; private final String topic; public NotificationConsumerThread(String brokers, String groupId, String topic) { Properties prop = createConsumerConfig(brokers, groupId); this.consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(prop); this.topic = topic; this.consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(this.topic)); } private static Properties createConsumerConfig(String brokers, String groupId) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("bootstrap.servers", brokers); props.put("", groupId); props.put("", "true"); props.put("", "1000"); props.put("", "30000"); props.put("auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); props.put("key.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"); props.put("value.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"); return props; } @Override public void run() { while (true) { ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100); for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) { System.out.println("Receive message: " + record.value() + ", Partition: " + record.partition() + ", Offset: " + record.offset() + ", by ThreadID: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); } } } } |
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package com.howtoprogram.kafka.multipleconsumers; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class NotificationConsumerGroup { private final int numberOfConsumers; private final String groupId; private final String topic; private final String brokers; private List<NotificationConsumerThread> consumers; public NotificationConsumerGroup(String brokers, String groupId, String topic, int numberOfConsumers) { this.brokers = brokers; this.topic = topic; this.groupId = groupId; this.numberOfConsumers = numberOfConsumers; consumers = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < this.numberOfConsumers; i++) { NotificationConsumerThread ncThread = new NotificationConsumerThread(this.brokers, this.groupId, this.topic); consumers.add(ncThread); } } public void execute() { for (NotificationConsumerThread ncThread : consumers) { Thread t = new Thread(ncThread); t.start(); } } /** * @return the numberOfConsumers */ public int getNumberOfConsumers() { return numberOfConsumers; } /** * @return the groupId */ public String getGroupId() { return groupId; } } |
brokers: The Kafka brokers to which consumers group will connect
groupId: The group id. All consumers on this group will have the same groupId
topic: The topic to which the consumers group will fetch the data
numberOfConsumer: the number of consumers will be created for the group
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package com.howtoprogram.kafka.multipleconsumers; public final class MultipleConsumersMain { public static void main(String[] args) { String brokers = "localhost:9092"; String groupId = "group01"; String topic = "HelloKafkaTopic1"; int numberOfConsumer = 3; if (args != null && args.length > 4) { brokers = args[0]; groupId = args[1]; topic = args[2]; numberOfConsumer = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); } // Start Notification Producer Thread NotificationProducerThread producerThread = new NotificationProducerThread(brokers, topic); Thread t1 = new Thread(producerThread); t1.start(); // Start group of Notification Consumers NotificationConsumerGroup consumerGroup = new NotificationConsumerGroup(brokers, groupId, topic, numberOfConsumer); consumerGroup.execute(); try { Thread.sleep(100000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } } } |
Then we create a group of 3 consumers on their own thread to consume the message from the HelloKafkaTopic1 topic.
3.4.5 Run the example.
Create a topic HelloKafkaTopic1 with 3 partitions
1 2 3 |
#cd $APACHE_KAFKA_HOME ./bin/ --create --zookeeper localhost:2181 \ --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic HelloKafkaTopic1 |
Open the on the eclipse. Right click –> Run As –> Java Application or use the shortcut: Alt+Shift+x, j to start the main method.
The output on my eclipse is as below:
Produces 3 messages
Sent:Message 0, Partition: 2, Offset: 21
Sent:Message 3, Partition: 2, Offset: 22
Sent:Message 1, Partition: 1, Offset: 24
Sent:Message 4, Partition: 1, Offset: 25
Sent:Message 2, Partition: 0, Offset: 21
Receive message: Message 2, Partition: 0, Offset: 21, by ThreadID: 13
Receive message: Message 1, Partition: 1, Offset: 24, by ThreadID: 14
Receive message: Message 4, Partition: 1, Offset: 25, by ThreadID: 14
Receive message: Message 0, Partition: 2, Offset: 21, by ThreadID: 15
Receive message: Message 3, Partition: 2, Offset: 22, by ThreadID: 15
Note that the HelloKafkaTopci1 has 3 partitions. Kafka producer client assigned the Message 0,3 to the partition #2, the Messages 1,4 to the partition #1 and the Message 2 to the partition 0.
The consumer group which includes 3 consumers with their own threads with ThreadID(s): 13, 14, 15. All the messages of the partition #0 were consumed by the consumer thread: #13. The messages of partition #1 were consumed by the consumer thread #1. And messages of partition #2 were consumed by the consumer thread #15.
Note that you may get the different partition numbers and ThreadIDs. However, in this case, each partition will be handled by each consumer thread.
3.5 Model #2: Single consumer, multiple worker processing threads
3.5.1 Class Diagram
The source code for this part includes 4 classes too: is a producer thread, produces message to the Kafka brokers. is a consumer which has a pool of background threads, receives message from the topic and dispatch to the the pool. is a kind of worker thread which handle business processing for the message which is dispatched from the NotificationConsumer. includes the main method, run the program to produce and consume messages.
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package com.howtoprogram.kafka.singleconsumer; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.Callback; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.KafkaProducer; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.ProducerRecord; import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.RecordMetadata; public class NotificationProducerThread implements Runnable { private final KafkaProducer<String, String> producer; private final String topic; public NotificationProducerThread(String brokers, String topic) { Properties prop = createProducerConfig(brokers); this.producer = new KafkaProducer<String, String>(prop); this.topic = topic; } private static Properties createProducerConfig(String brokers) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("bootstrap.servers", brokers); props.put("acks", "all"); props.put("retries", 0); props.put("batch.size", 16384); props.put("", 1); props.put("buffer.memory", 33554432); props.put("key.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"); props.put("value.serializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringSerializer"); return props; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Produces 5 messages"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { String msg = "Message " + i; producer.send(new ProducerRecord<String, String>(topic, msg), new Callback() { public void onCompletion(RecordMetadata metadata, Exception e) { if (e != null) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Sent:" + msg + ", Offset: " + metadata.offset()); } }); try { Thread.sleep(100); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // closes producer producer.close(); } } |
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package com.howtoprogram.kafka.singleconsumer; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord; public class ConsumerThreadHandler implements Runnable { private ConsumerRecord consumerRecord; public ConsumerThreadHandler(ConsumerRecord consumerRecord) { this.consumerRecord = consumerRecord; } public void run() { System.out.println("Process: " + consumerRecord.value() + ", Offset: " + consumerRecord.offset() + ", By ThreadID: " + Thread.currentThread().getId()); } } |
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package com.howtoprogram.kafka.singleconsumer; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecord; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords; import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.KafkaConsumer; public class NotificationConsumer { private final KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer; private final String topic; // Threadpool of consumers private ExecutorService executor; public NotificationConsumer(String brokers, String groupId, String topic) { Properties prop = createConsumerConfig(brokers, groupId); this.consumer = new KafkaConsumer<>(prop); this.topic = topic; this.consumer.subscribe(Arrays.asList(this.topic)); } /** * Creates a {@link ThreadPoolExecutor} with a given number of threads to consume the messages * from the broker. * * @param numberOfThreads The number of threads will be used to consume the message */ public void execute(int numberOfThreads) { // Initialize a ThreadPool with size = 5 and use the BlockingQueue with size =1000 to // hold submitted tasks. executor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(numberOfThreads, numberOfThreads, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<Runnable>(1000), new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()); while (true) { ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100); for (final ConsumerRecord record : records) { executor.submit(new ConsumerThreadHandler(record)); } } } private static Properties createConsumerConfig(String brokers, String groupId) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("bootstrap.servers", brokers); props.put("", groupId); props.put("", "true"); props.put("", "1000"); props.put("", "30000"); props.put("auto.offset.reset", "earliest"); props.put("key.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"); props.put("value.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer"); return props; } public void shutdown() { if (consumer != null) { consumer.close(); } if (executor != null) { executor.shutdown(); } try { if (!executor.awaitTermination(5000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { System.out .println("Timed out waiting for consumer threads to shut down, exiting uncleanly"); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Interrupted during shutdown, exiting uncleanly"); } } } |
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package com.howtoprogram.kafka.singleconsumer; public final class SingleConsumerMain { public static void main(String[] args) { String brokers = "localhost:9092"; String groupId = "group01"; String topic = "HelloKafkaTopic"; int numberOfThread = 3; if (args != null && args.length > 4) { brokers = args[0]; groupId = args[1]; topic = args[2]; numberOfThread = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); } // Start Notification Producer Thread NotificationProducerThread producerThread = new NotificationProducerThread(brokers, topic); Thread t1 = new Thread(producerThread); t1.start(); // Start group of Notification Consumer Thread NotificationConsumer consumers = new NotificationConsumer(brokers, groupId, topic); consumers.execute(numberOfThread); try { Thread.sleep(100000); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { } consumers.shutdown(); } } |
3.5.6. Run the example.
You can open the on the eclipse. Right click –> Run As –> Java Application or use the shortcut: Alt+Shift+x, j to start the main method.
The output on my eclipse is as below:
Produces 5 messages
Sent:Message 0, Offset: 2602
Sent:Message 1, Offset: 2603
Process: Message 0, Offset: 2602, By ThreadID: 13
Process: Message 1, Offset: 2603, By ThreadID: 14
Sent:Message 2, Offset: 2604
Process: Message 2, Offset: 2604, By ThreadID: 15
Sent:Message 3, Offset: 2605
Process: Message 3, Offset: 2605, By ThreadID: 13
Sent:Message 4, Offset: 2606
Process: Message 4, Offset: 2606, By ThreadID: 14
The producer produces 5 messages with offsets from 2602 ~ 2606. Those messages were processed a pool of threads with Ids: 13, 14, 15.
Note that you may get the different Offsets, ThreadID(s).
4 Conclusion
We have taken a look at how to create multi-threaded Apache Kafka consumer with 2 possible models. They have their own pros and cons and depend on the specific circumstance we will decide which one is suitable. Maybe, there are some cases which the model #2 is suitable. In this case, each partition of a topic will be handled by each consumer thread. However, if the number messages for this partition is too much and the consumer fall far behind, we may need to combine both the model #1 and model #2.
Below are the articles related to Apache Kafka topic. If you’re interested in them, you can refer to the following links:
Getting started with Apache Kafka 0.9
Apache Kafka 0.9 Java Client API Example
Apache Kafka Command Line Interface
How To Write A Custom Serializer in Apache Kafka
Write An Apache Kafka Custom Partitioner
Apache Kafka Command Line Interface
Apache Flume Kafka Source And HDFS Sink Tutorial
Do you have any suggestion on how these consumers can be managed inside J2ee container?
Still not understand clearly what you have mentioned about J2ee container. If you want to manage the lifecycle of Kafka consumer with “container”, you can take a look at spring-kafka which allow us to manage consumers by Spring container.
good job
I have a doubt about model #2 — how to make sure we have successfully consume the message?
think about we have a job which needs long time to execute, in model #2, we poll data from kafka and then submit it into the thread pool, and then committed, but the polled-out messages have not been consumed, they are still processing. If unfortunately, the progress was killed by -9, we will lost the messages, right ?
What can we do in such case ?